Infographic – 7 Tips For Preventing Burn Injuries

Uncategorized | Aug 15, 2016 by Robert Horst
Burn Injuries

Nothing is more physically and financially damaging than burns, according to our product liability lawyers. Electrical, chemical, and thermal burns are often preventable. A little precaution can save your property and maybe even…


Uncategorized | Jun 30, 2016 by Robert Horst
crash accident

Since the beginning of 2016, there have been nearly 8,000 traffic related accidents in Orange County. This infographic shows in chilling detail the devastation that these accidents cause. From property damage…

Pharmaceutical Drugs and Product Liability

Uncategorized | Dec 19, 2015 by Robert Horst
Pharmaceutical Drugs

For most people, a physician will prescribe a drug that will help with whatever ails a patient. Whether it’s an inflammatory drug for a sprained ankle or a medication to…

The Best Chiropractors in Orlando

Uncategorized | Nov 26, 2015 by Robert Horst
Best Chiropractors in Orlando

The best chiropractors in Orlando build trust with their patients and provide relief from back pain by incorporating the latest in chiropractic therapy. That being said, Orlando is home to many chiropractors.…

What Are the Different Types of Product Liability Cases?

Uncategorized | Nov 07, 2015 by Robert Horst
product liability case

Florida laws are clear when it comes the differences in product liability cases. Understanding those differences can help your Florida attorney best serve your needs. How do you know if…

Acupuncturists in Orlando

Uncategorized | Sep 25, 2015 by Robert Horst

With uncertainties surrounding the belief that our elected leaders can provide a solution for an overhaul coupled with overdose deaths soaring, many are looking for safer, more natural remedies. Acupuncturists…

The Most Dangerous Highways in Orlando

Uncategorized | Sep 20, 2015 by Robert Horst
Dangerous Highways

Orlando is known for its breathtaking views, tourist attractions, and the city’s proximity to the coastline. Unfortunately, two of the nation’s most dangerous highways also go through Orlando. Learn more about…

Cosmetic Surgeons in Orlando

Uncategorized | May 27, 2015 by Robert Horst
Cosmetic Surgeons in Orlando

Here’s something that might surprise you: in 1997, there were 1.6 million cosmetic procedures completed on Americans. By 2016, that number rose to nearly 14 million. That speaks volumes to…

Famous Examples of Product Liability

Uncategorized | Mar 15, 2015 by Robert Horst

When it comes to product liability cases, history provides more than a few memorable lawsuits. History repeats itself so if you found these cases incredulous before;then odds are, you’ll see…

How Long Do I Have To File A Product Liability Claim in Florida?

Uncategorized | Feb 13, 2015 by Robert Horst
Product Liability Claim

Have you been wondering how much time you have to file a lawsuit in the stateof Florida? Like most other states, the laws in the state of Florida for filing…